Bookish Babble: Y16.W9


The Narnian Edition:

Narnia: a magical land created by C.S. Lewis in 1955. Populated by talking animals and mythical creatures, sometimes visited by humans through magic portals hidden in ordinary objects like wardrobes. And a place where adults wish they could escape to from time to time and be kids again!

Oops my bad!

My inner child still goes to Narnia, but the Tardis and Hogwarts are both close seconds!

Lets be all grown up and serious now – here are some C.S. Lewis quotes.

Well that got a little deep!

Until next time, enjoy your shelves 🙂

Review: The Beauty Volume 1 by Jeremy Haun & Jason A. Hurley

27753928* New Release *

Bookish Babble: Y16.W8

babble3The “It had to be done” Edition:

The Twilight Saga movies would have to be the most meme’d book to movie adaptation of all time.There are so many meme’s bagging the shit out of the series. So today’s task wasn’t finding content for this Babble, because the content is endless, but finding funny or intelligent content – well yeah, that’s wasn’t so easy.

I purposely went looking for the Raptor watches Edward watching Bella meme because I remember finding it amusing the first time I saw it.

That then lead to a bunch of Raptor and Dino memes that were much better than the twilight ones.


Oh yeah, “bookish” babble – Back to Twilight.

Yeah OK, I did laugh the first time I saw this one!

Yeah valid point meme maker, valid point.

DAMN! I hadn’t even thought about that until I saw this meme for the first time today haha.

funny twilight meme creep

Yeah… Who’s up for more Raptor Memes? ME!

Review: Faith by Jody Houser

28386991FAITH #1 (Faith) by Jody Houser

Orphaned at a young age, Faith Herbert – a psionically gifted “psiot” discovered by the Harbinger Foundation – has always aspired to greatness. But now this once ordinary teenager is taking control of her destiny and becoming the hard-hitting hero she’s always known she can be – complete with a mild-mannered secret identity, unsuspecting colleagues, and a day job as a reporter that routinely throws into her harms way! Well, at least she thought it would… When she’s not typing up listicles about cat videos, Faith makes a secret transformation to patrol the night as the City of Angels’ own leading superhero – the sky-soaring Zephyr!

But flying solo is going to be tougher than Zephyr ever thought when she uncovers a deep-rooted alien conspiracy. Two-bit burglars and car thieves are one thing, but when the world needs a hero to stave off a full-blown extraterrestrial invasion, will Faith find herself in over her head…or ready for her biggest challenge yet?

28679776FAITH #2 (Faith) by Jody Houser

Just as she uncovers a conspiracy in the Hollywood Hills that threatens the lives of her fellow psiots and new friends alike, Faith must also deal with the return of her ex-boyfriend and one-time teammate Torque…and a volatile new alien threat that nobody saw coming!

Be here as all-star creators Jody Houser (Orphan Black), Francis Portela (Green Lantern), and Marguerite Sauvage (DC Comics Bombshells) continue the groundbreaking, first-ever solo series for the Valiant Universe’s most extraordinary hero…the high-flying Faith!

“A superhero we can all admire.” -People Magazine
Faith on Goodreads
* * * *   M Y     T H O U G H T S   * * * *

Thank you Diamond Book Distributors and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review a partial galley (Issues 1 & 2) of Faith Volume 1: Hollywood and Vine.

Faith Volume 1: Hollywood and Vine will be released on the 26th July and it will contain FAITH Issues 1 – 4.

Bookish Babble: Y16.W7


The “I needed to Smile” Edition:


Hahaha silly raccoon, it can’t read!


image (1)

Yeah, Shane would never be stupid enough to utter those words LOL.

image (2)

A comfy chair, a good book and a glass of wine = Perfect night in! 🙂 who’s with me?

image (3)

AHHHHH sometimes they really do make a mess of the adaptation :-(.

Ha ha get it, Faction, ha ha :-P.

Yeah, I’ll go now!

Until next time, enjoy your shelves :-).

How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell

IMG_3817IMG_3876IMG_3823IMG_3822IMG_3816How to Train Your Dragon (How to Train Your Dragon #1) by Cressida Cowell

Hiccup Haddock Horrendous III was a truly extraordinary Viking hero.

The warrior chieftain and awesome sword fighter was known as ‘the Dragon Whisperer’, on account of his power over these terrifying beasts.

But it wasn’t always like that, and this is the story of his rise to fame, in his own words.

* ~ * My Thoughts * ~ *  

Book Toothless and Movie Toothless are very different creatures. The only book characters who remotely resemble themselves in the movie are Hiccup and Gobber. And the way the young Vikings come to have their dragons is completely different.

Hiccup is still the Outsider wanting to fit in, the unlikely hero, the underdog etc. Astrid and Ruffnut are no where to be seen, no girls are – I love Astrid and Ruffnut so that was a little disappointing.

All that said this book was adorable! The book series is listed for ages 6 to 10 – I would have devoured this series at around eight years old.

We follow hiccup as an initiate competing for the right to become a full member of his father’s tribe or be banished from the isle of Berk forever. We see hiccup along with all the other boys go off to catch a dragon that they must then train and use to compete. Obviously Toothless does not cooperate in this matter and what follows is humorous tale of mishaps and triumphs.

There is still a enormous dragon showdown with Hiccup and Toothless still getting to be the heroes of the story.

After I had bought the paperback I found out that David Tennent voices the audio books. If I had to pick one thing that would have made me enjoy this book more, it would be having David Tennent read it to me! As is i’m going to give it Four Stars.



If you want to know more: Cressida’s Website | Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter

I hope all the photos I took hid the fact my brain is mush at the moment and I couldn’t write a decent review 😐 Did it work? LOL.